Smart Recruitment Just a Click Away

Welcome 2018!

Some of us may be returning back to work this year, with the important task of recruiting new team members.

Finding talent in this technologically advanced society has gone beyond placing an ad on Seek.

Social media cannot be ignored as an avenue for connecting with prospective employees.

Employers should consider all available options and plan a recruitment campaign to attract the right talent for their organisation.

Here are some simple helpful tips:

1. Think outside the norm. Seek is essential but what about Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as other alternatives? It’s in your best interest to find out how these platforms could work for your business.

2. Don’t forget to talk to people about the role you have available. There’s nothing like word of mouth advertising to get the ball rolling.

3. Make your advertisement stand out. Provide enough detail to pique the interest of a prospective candidate – how great it is to work at your organisation, location, skills required, salary package etc.

4. Follow up leads found on social media. Technology alone is not going to cut it. Contact prospective candidates and be prepared with some simple questions that will quickly sort the ‘wheat from the chaff’. An A+ profile page may not translate to an A+ employee.

Getting recruitment right the first time will save your business a lot of time and money.

Investing some thought and effort into the process will reap rewards for your organisation.

If you require assistance or support in recruiting new staff members for your team, please contact us, we will be more than happy to help.